The only way to opt out of this AI training is to not use the glasses' AI features at all—and avoid being captured by someone else's pair. Meta's policies state that "your interactions with AI features can be used to train AI models" and "you agree that Meta will analyze those images, including facial features, using AI."
所有用 Meta 和雷朋合作的智能眼镜拍摄的照片和视频,都会被 Meta 用来训练 AI,没有开关,没有选择,不想要这样就滚。Meta 这公司,很百度啊。
In the midst of recording last week’s episode of The Talk Show with Nilay Patel, I offhandedly mentioned the age-old trick of holding down the Shift key while minimizing a window (clicking the yellow button) to see the genie effect in slow motion. Nilay was like “Wait, what? That’s not working for me...” and we moved on.
This is a surprising observation! It implies that model behavior is not determined by architecture, hyperparameters, or optimizer choices. It’s determined by your dataset, nothing else. Everything else is a means to an end in efficiently delivery compute to approximating that dataset.
虽然 Valve 尚未就 SteamOS 或 Proton 对 ARM64 的支持做出任何官方声明,但这显然是一个优先事项,并且是其推动 Linux 游戏总体发展的一部分。现在 Valve 似乎希望将其 Linux 游戏受众从仅限于 x86 硬件扩展到 Linux Arm 设备,以配合正在进行的改善 Windows for Arm 游戏的努力。
With the Vision Pro, Apple has made significant strides in not only expanding the library of movies available in 3D, including titles that have never been available in this format outside of theaters (not even on Blu-Ray), but alsooffering certain 3D movies in 4K and HDR!
这篇文章说 Vision Pro 提供的 3D 电影有一部分是 4K HDR 的(我之前一直以为是 FHD HDR),验证了一下,迪士尼之前就宣布了会是 4K HDR 3D,有点屌,这个确实也是独家内容了,据说后面也会上 Apple TV,想订阅 Disney+ 感受一下。
The project only has 10 employees currently, but they include Tang Tan and Evans Hankey, two key people who worked with Ive on the iPhone. LoveFrom, Ive’s company, is leading the device’s design, according to the report. The team is reportedly now working out of a 32,000-square-foot office building in San Francisco, part of a $90 million strip of real estate that Ive has bought up on single city block.
这条新闻内容乏善可陈,就是强尼爵士和 OpenAI 要搞 AI 硬件,Tang Tan 和 Evans Hankey 也加入了。信息一概欠奉,没啥信息量。转一下主要是这张照片让我想起了前段时间看的这个视频,首先视频内容是不错的,强尼爵士讲 LoveFrom 字体的故事,但是最吸引我的是他咋胖成这样了。。。请原谅我的无理,但是真的胖了很多。
之前的新闻报道着重提及树语先生说钓鱼岛是中国的,不要忘记南京大屠杀慰安妇和 731 罪行等内容,看起来是非常民族主义的行为。这篇报道采访本人还原了现场,导火索是 NHK 不尊重新闻事实,可以隐瞒刻字反对日本军国主义的事实。这样看来树语先生的行为是理性并且有一定正当性的(但是仍然比较激进),点赞但是不鼓励大家都这么操作。
I asked Apple’s VP of camera software engineering Jon McCormack about Google’s view that the Pixel camera now captures “memories” instead of photos, and he told me that Apple has a strong point of view about what a photograph is — that it’s something that actually happened. It was a long and thoughtful answer, so I’m just going to print the whole thing:Here’s our view of what a photograph is. The way we like to think of it is that it’s a personal celebration of something that really, actually happened.
Whether that’s a simple thing like a fancy cup of coffee that’s got some cool design on it, all the way through to my kid’s first steps, or my parents’ last breath, It’s something that really happened. It’s something that is a marker in my life, and it’s something that deserves to be celebrated.
And that is why when we think about evolving in the camera, we also rooted it very heavily in tradition. Photography is not a new thing. It’s been around for 198 years. People seem to like it. There’s a lot to learn from that. There’s a lot to rely on from that.
Think about stylization, the first example of stylization that we can find is Roger Fenton in 1854 — that’s 170 years ago. It’s a durable, long-term, lasting thing. We stand proudly on the shoulders of photographic history.
That’s a sharp and clear answer, but I’m curious how Apple contends with the relentless addition of AI editing to the iPhone’s competitors. The company is already taking small steps in that direction: a feature called “Clean Up” will arrive with Apple Intelligence, which will allow you to remove objects from photos like Google’s Magic Eraser.
Winamp is a multimedia player launched in 1997, iconic for its flexibility and wide compatibility with audio formats. Originally developed by Nullsoft, it gained massive popularity with still millions of users. Its development slowed down, but now, its source code was opened to the community, allowing developers to improve and modernize the player to meet current user needs.
A day after exploding pagers targeting Hezbollah members killed 12 people, including two children, and injured nearly 3,000 people in Lebanon and Syria, the attacks started again. The New York Times_reports 14 people have died, along with hundreds injured in the second wave of explosions. Lebanese state media agency NNA reports they resulted from wireless devices like walkie-talkies and fingerprint analysis devices that also damaged cars and motorcycles and started fires, including one at a lithium battery store.