Bloody Sunshine

Just too damn hot

WR 20250307

题图:上个礼拜提到的 vision OS 2.4 中的 Spacial Gallery 在 beta2 中出现了,超出预期,这是其中一张全景照片的局部截图,挺喜欢的。




【玩具】新款 Retroid Pocket Flip 2 游戏掌机发布:翻盖设计、5.5 英寸 1080P OLED 面板配天玑 1100

这个产品形态对我来说挺理想的,最近把 PSP 重新打开通关了 428:被封锁的涉谷,PSP 虽好,但是屏幕如今看确实太小了。上面这个设备跑 PSP 模拟器大概率比 PSP 玩 PSP 游戏体验更好,不过天玑 1100 还是差点意思(但是它便宜啊)。PS:我没买,回头如果有天玑 1200 的话可能会考虑买。

【AI】Hallucinations in code are the least dangerous form of LLM mistakes

The moment you run LLM generated code, any hallucinated methods will be instantly obvious: you’ll get an error. You can fix that yourself or you can feed the error back into the LLM and watch it correct itself.
Compare this to hallucinations in regular prose, where you need a critical eye, strong intuitions and well developed fact checking skills to avoid sharing information that’s incorrect and directly harmful to your reputation.

文章的标题十分正确,不过正文主要在说如何避免那些编译器无法发现的 LLM 生成的错误代码。编程语言相比自然语言还是严谨很多的,所以更容易发现错误,在日常生产生活中使用 LLM 的会遇到更多难以发现的错误,但是因为自然语言天生的含义模糊的性质,有的错误没有那么尖锐(这也是 LLM 的优势)。

【苹果】New Mac Studio spans the generations with M4 Max, M3 Ultra chips

that M3 Ultra model instantly becomes the ultimate Mac for the person who has everything except the ultimate Mac. When fully loaded it’s got 32 CPU cores, 80 graphics cores, 512 GB of unified memory, and up to 16TB of onboard storage. Apple estimates that the M3 Ultra will be nearly twice as fast as the M4 Max in workflows that can take advantage of all that extra everything. (Who needs a Mac Pro? Don’t answer that.)

苹果出人意料的发布了个 M3 Ultra 的 Mac Studio,虽然号称性能是 M4 Max 两倍,但是内存带宽依然是 819 GB/s,这个可不是 M4 Max 两倍的水平,而 LLM 性能对这个挺敏感的。蹲一波性能实测再考虑要不要买吧,都做好心理建设买 M4 Ultra 了,整个这活确实有点下不去手。


国家网络安全通报中心通报:大模型工具 Ollama 存在安全风险

生产环境用 Ollama 可真是勇士



2025 款小鹏 G6 全能轿跑 SUV 全系标配 5C 超充 AI 电池

「全系标配」我懂,「5C 超充」我懂,「AI 电池」是神马玩意儿?

WR 20250228



最近很闲就补了一下去年的大热日剧,上面图里这个 VIVANT,虽然之后口碑崩盘(但是收视率还挺高),但是看了两集之后仍然感到:这破剧本什么破玩意。潘22老师这个吐槽视频比剧还好看,但是建议快进看完前四集再看吐槽视频 😂

【道理】 The More You Own, The More You Maintain

If every new feature just meant one more thing to maintain, things might not be that bad. But ten design components don't create ten relationships, they create forty-five potential interaction points to consider. Each new addition multiplies a system's complexity, not just adds to it.

标题是一个简单的道理,不只在软件设计和开发领域适用,家里的很多东西也是这样。前几天看到微信群里有人转日本 0 元一户建的消息,北海道的房子不要钱,但是买了之后要开始支付房产税(不太贵),房屋修缮费用(贵,而且修缮之后房产税可能会涨),冬季清雪费用,保持房子不坏的水电费用等等。小到家里很多不必要的东西(比如用不上的布艺清洗机,旧手机旧充电宝,孩子已经不玩了的玩具),都会增加日常生活的成本和风险。简单一点的生活更轻松和愉快

VisionOS 2.4 beta 看起来还挺吸引人的,Spatial Gallery 我需要,然后这个 iOS app 着实不错,过年回家给父母用 Guest mode 真的很麻烦,Reddit 上的老哥们最想要的也是苹果门店里的 Demo app,看起来四月有机会正式版。希望 Apple Intelligence 中国一起上线,切账号怪麻烦的。


Why are QR Codes with capital letters smaller than QR codes with lower-case letters?

作者发现同样的 URL 转化成二维码,如果网址全是大写字母的话,生成的二维码比全用小写字母简单。文章探索了一下原因,很有意思

Meta 用 BitTorrent 从网上下载了 82TB 盗版电子书用于 AI 训练,把版权内容非授权情况下用于商用显然是有问题的,用于 AI 训练可能有点争议,但是对于 Meta 这种体量的公司,这显然是不体面的。然后 Meta 的律师说:我们只下载不上传(BT 圈内俗称「吸血」的缺德行为),所以不违法。就更显得好笑了。而且,在美国使用 BT 下载版权内容是明确违法的



WR 20250221


【硬件】第一个明星 AI 硬件,将在下个月成为电子垃圾

Ai Pin 的制造商 Humane 被惠普以 1.16 亿美元收购,主要包括软件、技术人员以及 300 多项专利。如果你不幸拥有一台 Ai Pin,请务必提前将个人数据下载保存至本地,因为在 2025 年 2 月 28 日之后,Ai Pin 就再也连不上 Humane 的服务器,所有的 AI 服务、消息推送等联网功能都将失效,除了还能让 Ai Pin 播报剩余电量之外,这个产品已经一无是处。
最终,699 美元的 Ai Pin 只卖了一万多台(截止至 2024 年 8 月的销售数据)。而在这个产品刚发布时,也有不少人认为这就是 AI 时代的 iPhone。

这玩意发布的时候的热度依然历历在目,从 TED 起手,一路拉高预期,被全球科技媒体和自媒体狂吹,死于产品太差。硅谷的创业金句有一条:Fake it until you make it,Humane 这叫公司只做了前半段,能力太差,产品干得还不如小天才。对前因后果感兴趣可以阅读:Humane’s AI Pin: all the news about the dead AI-powered wearable

【AI】 The Deep Research problem — Benedict Evans

At this stage, the obvious response is to say that the models keep getting better, but this misses the point. Are you telling me that today’s model gets this table 85% right and the next version will get it 85.5 or 91% correct? That doesn’t help me. If there are mistakes in the table, it doesn’t matter how many there are - I can’t trust it. If, on the other hand, you think that these models will go to being 100% right, that would change everything, but that would also be a binary change in the nature of these systems, not a percentage change, and we don’t know if that’s even possible.
there’s also Steve Jobs’ line that a computer is ‘a bicycle for the mind’ - it lets you go further and faster for much less effort, but it can’t go anywhere by itself.

Ben Evans 一直以来对 LLM 的态度都是这样,这篇文章例子很具象,大模型在提供精准信息这件事上可能永远达不到人们的期望,但是在语言表达上确实也达到了传统方法无法企及的高度,了解工具的特性才能用好工具。用数据题给大模型评分没啥问题,非让它做题大可不必,计算器便宜又好用。我很喜欢他对乔布斯这个比方的解释的后半段,it can't go anywhere by itself. 至少可见的未来还是这样。

【软件】Pieoneer Your Apps in a Pie Menu

Product Hunt 上看到的一个启动器(launcher)产品,第一眼我的感受就是回到了 90 年代。小时候用 Win 97 上网冲浪很喜欢找类似的产品用,罗技鼠标自带一个和这个很像的软件。这么多年以来,一部分产品设计师对于围绕焦点的扇形/圆形菜单一直放不下。比如 Path app 搞出来的扇形菜单,后来 iMessage 也用了,但是后来又改回了列表菜单。




WR 20250214

题图:带孩子去汽车电影院看了个《熊出没》,第一次看还挺好看的,不过看了一下最早 2011 年的 TV 版,就完全没法看。

【扫除】Housekeeping for Homebrew

最近因为图库抽风的原因,Mac 存储空间临时紧张了起来,我就打开 DaisyDisk 开始了两轮清理,效果显著,清理出了 100GB 的空间,其中稍微有技术含量了是这篇文章的部分,Homebrew 安装的软件有时候是一次性或者尝鲜试玩的,占用了一些空间,用 brew list 列出来之后把用不上的删掉,感觉十分清爽。

【AI】Life Is More Than an Engineering Problem

泰德姜这篇关于 AI 的访谈很值得一读。

Magic means that the universe is behaving not as a giant machine but as something that is aware of you as a person who is different from other people, and that people are different from things. At some level, the universe responds to your intentions in a way that the laws of physics as we understand them don’t.


I don’t like the phrase “the alignment problem.” It’s not clear to me that it refers to something meaningful—or at least that the phrase refers to something that is new and meaningfully different from the broader problems of how to be a good person and how to build a good society. For example, when corporations behave badly, should we consider that an alignment problem? Most of the conversation around the alignment problem suggests that it’s a technical problem, something that can be addressed by implementing a better algorithm or by solving the right equations. But why, for example, do large corporations behave so much worse than most of the people who work for them? I think most of the people who work for large corporations are, to varying degrees, unhappy with the effect those corporations have on the world. Why is that? And could that be fixed by solving a math problem? I don’t think so.

对齐(alignment)这部分说的也很好,当一部分 LLM 从业者用「对齐」来暗示大模型输出违法/错误的内容完全是一个技术问题的时候,我感觉他们要么是跑偏了,要么就是坏心眼:价值观是多元的,站在不同立场上就会有不同的判断,如果 LLM 要符合某个绝对正确的价值观,那这个价值观可能也太二极管了。如果我们期望一个工具做价值判断,多少有点类似于要求菜刀只能切菜不能砍人。

Either way, you are only serving your own interests, and that’s fine because a chisel is just a tool. If you don’t keep it sharp, you are only harming yourself. By contrast, if you don’t respect your colleagues, there is a problem beyond the fact that it might make your job harder; you do them harm because you are ignoring their preferences. That’s why we consider it wrong to treat a person like a tool; by acting as if they don’t have preferences, you are dehumanizing them.

最后,如果 LLM 真的有了他们所说的 AGI、奇点的能力,会思考会学习能判断甚至有感情了(我认为不在未来二十年,甚至我有生之年应该都看不到),你就不能把它当工具了,那是奴役。当然现在做的 LLM 距离那玩意还远得很。我们在未来几年也许能把能听懂人话的工具做出来,已经可以改变世界了,至于那些听起来挺科幻的部分,主要是融资和公关需求,看个乐就行了。

【AI】一夜之间所有人都接入 DeepSeek 了

更多就不罗列的,一周之间但凡有市场部比较傻逼的公司可能都蹭上 DeepSeek 的热点了,如此的蹭热点营销明目张胆的糊弄消费者,多少给人一种:你们药店碧莲吧行不行的感觉。这种公司的宣传建议一个字都不要信。

WR 20250117

题图:今年的家庭相册也是用雅昌印的,自从用了雅昌,开始感觉 iPhone 13 mini 的相机有点不够用了。

TikTok tells staff impacted by wildfires to use sick hours if they can't work


ralph84 3 days ago
Import Chinese companies, get Chinese working conditions.
bryanrasmussen 3 days ago
To be fair, this is a company in the U.S and the people are working in the U.S so it is in fact - U.S working conditions, if you imported the company to the EU it would not be EU working conditions because those working. conditions would be illegal.
throw28373 3 days ago
Didn't realize Amazon is a Chinese company.
wat10000 3 days ago
This is how millions of Americans already work. Millions have no paid sick time at all (and even unpaid sick leave can be iffy) and millions more get less generous PTO than this.
The only remarkable thing is that this policy is bad for a tech company. Tech is special because demand for specialized workers is high and supply is low. But in most other industries, this would be standard behavior.
Workers in other industries deserve better, but it’s also important to remember that the HN bubble isn’t the norm.
callc 3 days ago
This is why we need our governments to protect the people.
It is exuberantly clear that some companies will treat their workers with the minimum amount of decency up to the point of illegality, or past that if they can get away with it.
How about an “asshole employer” gov program? Society needs to fight back against those doing harm to society.


DJI will no longer stop drones from flying over airports, wildfires, and the White House



DJI voluntarily created its geofencing feature, so it makes a certain degree of sense that the company would get rid of it now that the US government no longer seems to appreciate its help, is blocking some of its drone imports, calls DJI a “Chinese Military Company,” and has started the countdown clock on a de facto import ban.



Nokia Design Archive

The Nokia Design Archive contains the visions that transformed how we connect. Through never-before-seen sketches, photographs, videos and interviews spanning from the mid 90s to 2017, online visitors can access the inner-workings of Nokia Mobile Phones to learn how design ideas shaped our world.

这个网站收集了诺基亚多年的产品、设计、访谈等资料,可以翻很久,挺好看的。上图这个 8110 现在看起来也还是很帅气啊。