WR 20250214
题图:带孩子去汽车电影院看了个《熊出没》,第一次看还挺好看的,不过看了一下最早 2011 年的 TV 版,就完全没法看。
【扫除】Housekeeping for Homebrew
最近因为图库抽风的原因,Mac 存储空间临时紧张了起来,我就打开 DaisyDisk 开始了两轮清理,效果显著,清理出了 100GB 的空间,其中稍微有技术含量了是这篇文章的部分,Homebrew 安装的软件有时候是一次性或者尝鲜试玩的,占用了一些空间,用 brew list 列出来之后把用不上的删掉,感觉十分清爽。
【AI】Life Is More Than an Engineering Problem
泰德姜这篇关于 AI 的访谈很值得一读。
Magic means that the universe is behaving not as a giant machine but as something that is aware of you as a person who is different from other people, and that people are different from things. At some level, the universe responds to your intentions in a way that the laws of physics as we understand them don’t.
I don’t like the phrase “the alignment problem.” It’s not clear to me that it refers to something meaningful—or at least that the phrase refers to something that is new and meaningfully different from the broader problems of how to be a good person and how to build a good society. For example, when corporations behave badly, should we consider that an alignment problem? Most of the conversation around the alignment problem suggests that it’s a technical problem, something that can be addressed by implementing a better algorithm or by solving the right equations. But why, for example, do large corporations behave so much worse than most of the people who work for them? I think most of the people who work for large corporations are, to varying degrees, unhappy with the effect those corporations have on the world. Why is that? And could that be fixed by solving a math problem? I don’t think so.
对齐(alignment)这部分说的也很好,当一部分 LLM 从业者用「对齐」来暗示大模型输出违法/错误的内容完全是一个技术问题的时候,我感觉他们要么是跑偏了,要么就是坏心眼:价值观是多元的,站在不同立场上就会有不同的判断,如果 LLM 要符合某个绝对正确的价值观,那这个价值观可能也太二极管了。如果我们期望一个工具做价值判断,多少有点类似于要求菜刀只能切菜不能砍人。
Either way, you are only serving your own interests, and that’s fine because a chisel is just a tool. If you don’t keep it sharp, you are only harming yourself. By contrast, if you don’t respect your colleagues, there is a problem beyond the fact that it might make your job harder; you do them harm because you are ignoring their preferences. That’s why we consider it wrong to treat a person like a tool; by acting as if they don’t have preferences, you are dehumanizing them.
最后,如果 LLM 真的有了他们所说的 AGI、奇点的能力,会思考会学习能判断甚至有感情了(我认为不在未来二十年,甚至我有生之年应该都看不到),你就不能把它当工具了,那是奴役。当然现在做的 LLM 距离那玩意还远得很。我们在未来几年也许能把能听懂人话的工具做出来,已经可以改变世界了,至于那些听起来挺科幻的部分,主要是融资和公关需求,看个乐就行了。
【AI】一夜之间所有人都接入 DeepSeek 了
- 荣耀 MagicBook Pro 14 新品笔记本确认接入 DeepSeek 模型,本月发布
- 比亚迪将全面接入 DeepSeek-R1 大模型
- 红魔手机即将接入 DeepSeek R1 大模型,红魔 10 PRO 系列率先体验
- 深蓝 DEEPAL OS 3.0 系统将接入 DeepSeek 模型,预计一季度所有车型推送
- 东风旗下自主品牌岚图、猛士、奕派、风神、纳米接入 DeepSeek 全系列模型
- 海信电视正式接入DeepSeek,打造行业首个深度思考电视智能体
更多就不罗列的,一周之间但凡有市场部比较傻逼的公司可能都蹭上 DeepSeek 的热点了,如此的蹭热点营销明目张胆的糊弄消费者,多少给人一种:你们药店碧莲吧行不行的感觉。这种公司的宣传建议一个字都不要信。