WR 20250117
题图:今年的家庭相册也是用雅昌印的,自从用了雅昌,开始感觉 iPhone 13 mini 的相机有点不够用了。
TikTok tells staff impacted by wildfires to use sick hours if they can't work
ralph84 3 days ago
Import Chinese companies, get Chinese working conditions.
bryanrasmussen 3 days ago
To be fair, this is a company in the U.S and the people are working in the U.S so it is in fact - U.S working conditions, if you imported the company to the EU it would not be EU working conditions because those working. conditions would be illegal.
throw28373 3 days ago
Didn't realize Amazon is a Chinese company.
wat10000 3 days ago
This is how millions of Americans already work. Millions have no paid sick time at all (and even unpaid sick leave can be iffy) and millions more get less generous PTO than this.
The only remarkable thing is that this policy is bad for a tech company. Tech is special because demand for specialized workers is high and supply is low. But in most other industries, this would be standard behavior.
Workers in other industries deserve better, but it’s also important to remember that the HN bubble isn’t the norm.
callc 3 days ago
This is why we need our governments to protect the people.
It is exuberantly clear that some companies will treat their workers with the minimum amount of decency up to the point of illegality, or past that if they can get away with it.
How about an “asshole employer” gov program? Society needs to fight back against those doing harm to society.
DJI will no longer stop drones from flying over airports, wildfires, and the White House
DJI voluntarily created its geofencing feature, so it makes a certain degree of sense that the company would get rid of it now that the US government no longer seems to appreciate its help, is blocking some of its drone imports, calls DJI a “Chinese Military Company,” and has started the countdown clock on a de facto import ban.
Nokia Design Archive
The Nokia Design Archive contains the visions that transformed how we connect. Through never-before-seen sketches, photographs, videos and interviews spanning from the mid 90s to 2017, online visitors can access the inner-workings of Nokia Mobile Phones to learn how design ideas shaped our world.

这个网站收集了诺基亚多年的产品、设计、访谈等资料,可以翻很久,挺好看的。上图这个 8110 现在看起来也还是很帅气啊。