Weekly Readings 20241115
Merchants of complexity
It's hard to sell simple, because simple looks easy, and who wants to pay for that? Of course, everyone says they want something simple, but the way they buy reveals that they usually don't.
This is the secret that the merchants of complexity have long since figured out. That clever and sophisticated beats basic and straightforward most days in the market. Since both clever and sophisticated implies something special, and only what's special command the premium dollar.
非常好的一篇短文,我们生活中遇到的绝大多数问题,都有足够简单的解决方案,但是卖得最凶(也就是广告打得最多)的,通常是卖一个更复杂也更昂贵的方案。文章里面也有一些情绪发泄,不过最后的结尾很好:「So what are you waiting for? Dare to be basic, babe.」
LLMs have reached a point of diminishing returns
Anyone who followed Deep Learning in the 2010s would have guessed the same thing. Big boom with vision models by adding a lot of layers and data, but eventually there was diminishing returns there too. It’s unsurprising the same would happen with LLMs. I don’t know why people keep expecting anything other than a sigmoid curve. Perhaps they think it’s like Moore’s law but that’s simply not the case in this field.
But that’s fine, LLMs as-is are amazing without being AGI.
引文来自 Hacker News,说得很好,今天有两篇文章都在说 LLM 遇到了训练规模边际效应递减的瓶颈,符合预期。但是就如引文说的,LLM 现在已经很牛逼了,如果成本再将第一个数量级还是会有很多用处的。
Try searching for “IMG_XXXX” on YouTube, replacing “XXXX” with your favorite numbers (I used my birthday, 0416). See what you get!
There’s something surreal about these videos that engages you in a way you’ve never felt. None were edited, produced, or paraded for mass viewing. In fact, many were likely uploaded by accident or with a misunderstanding that complete strangers could see it. YouTube automatically removes harmful or violent content, so what remains exists in a unique, almost paradoxical state: forbidden, yet harmless. Putting all this together, searching IMG_XXXX offers the most authentic social feed ever seen on the Internet- in video, no less!
用 IMG_XXXX (XXXX替换成任意四位数字)关键词在 Youtube 搜索,能找到很多没有经过过度编辑的视频,非常真实的生活状态,原文中有几个作者挑的,我自己也去搜了一下,让人怀念没有那么多热衷创作的自媒体的互联网。
Loop is my new favorite Mac window management app
I’ve been working on ultrawide monitors for a while now, and having a system to manage your windows is almost a necessary part of the experience.
Previously, I was using Rectangle, but I would always forget which key combinations I was supposed to press to move my windows around.
I was on the macapps subreddit today, and discovered a new free tool called Loop. I was surprised to see that it was designed by one of the team members for Arc, but can definitely see some of the same thoughtful little details being used throughout the experience.

这个叫 Loop 的工具非常好用,推荐给每个 macOS 配合超宽屏使用的朋友。visionOS 支持超宽屏之后,我产生了更强烈的窗口管理需求,Loop 完美解决了我的问题。目前只用最简单的功能,键盘上的地球符号 + 左右箭头就可以循环把当前窗口用不同的尺寸居左居右固定,然后再自定义添加一个居中1/3,完美。
苹果更新 Final Cut Pro 视频编辑应用:可编辑空间视频
导入和编辑来自 Apple Vision Pro 或者 iPhone 15 Pro 或后续机型的空间视频片段;添加字幕、色彩校正和效果;以及共享可在 Apple Vision Pro 上查看的精彩空间项目。(需要搭载 Apple 芯片的 Mac。)

终于来了,不过我用不上哈哈哈,期待 Photos 能直接简单编辑空间照片和视频,maybe in visionOS 3?
GOG 商店将为现代系统“永远”兼容经典游戏,首批 100 款上线

作为该计划的一部分,GOG 商店正在重新发布 100 个经典游戏,包含像《生化危机》《魔法门英雄》《地下城守护者》《暗黑破坏神》《辐射》《阿尔法协议》《魔兽争霸》等系列,这些游戏已经过质量测试和独立更新,以确保它们与最新版本的 Windows、现代控制器和各种分辨率完全兼容。
很有意义,对怀旧玩家来说能节省很多折腾的时间,之前重玩大航海四、天使帝国二还有仙剑的时候都没少折腾。说到这友情提醒一下:Steam 上的《阿猫阿狗》就是个 DOSBox 版本,不如自己配,买不买都行 😂