Weekly Readings 20241025
前几天去换电,第一次换到 100% 的电池(通常都是 93%),虽然没什么用,但是看着有一种莫名其妙的满足感 🤣
GOG 回应 Steam“买游戏只是买游玩权”称自家平台可永久拥有已购数字作品
近期数字游戏“所有权”风波主要由是因育碧初代《飙酷车神》风波导致,育碧于今年 3 月关闭初代《飙酷车神》服务器后删除了玩家 Steam 游戏库中的游戏,并撤销他们对于游戏的访问许可,引发了大量玩家不满。
苹果 macOS 15 Sequoia 新威胁:引诱用户在终端运行 .txt 文件绕过安全防护

不过安全专家发现了名为 Cosmical_setup 的信息窃取恶意软件,通过苹果磁盘映像文件(DMG)格式进行分发,并引导用户将恶意代码(以 .txt 文件形式)拖放到终端中,来执行恶意操作。
想出这个方法的真他娘的是个人才啊,绝大多数消费者对扩展名都是很不敏感的,也不会意识到纯文本文件会被当作 bash 脚本执行。
Benchmarking Qualcomm's NPU on the Microsoft Surface Tablet
TL;DR - We see 1.3% of Qualcomm's NPU 45 Teraops/s claim when benchmarking Windows AI PCs
高通和微软这一波 AI PC 发布本来以为要打翻身仗,结果又一次打了自己的耳光,开发套件都停产了。现在等着看骁龙 8 Gen4 是不是又一次火龙化了。。。
Grandmaster-Level Chess Without Search

Figure 3 shows our scaling analysis over the dataset and model size. We visualize the puzzle accuracy (training and test loss in Figure A4), which correlates well with the other metrics and the overall playing strength. For small training set size (10k games, left panel) larger architectures (≥ 7M) start to overfit as training progresses. This effect disappears as the dataset size is increased to 100k (middle panel) and 1M games(right panel). The results also show that the final accuracy of a model increases as the dataset size is increased (consistently across model sizes). Similarly, we observe the general trend of increased architecture size leading to increased overall performance regard-less of dataset size (as also shown in our main result in Section 3.1).
Google Deepmind 训练了一个 transformer 国际象棋模型,这个模型没有使用传统棋牌 AI 那种预测后面的步骤打分的方式,而是采用类似大语言模型的方式来做,结果上看下棋水平不错。这篇论文有几个点很有意思。
第二,足够多足够好的数据来源,是相对比较传统的工具:Lichess,以及 Stockfish。对于规则足够明确的棋牌类游戏来说,无论生成数据还是强化学习,都能比较高效的进行。
第三,即使有了足够多足够好的数据,transformer 的结果也只是接近数据集的水平(当然这个项目的目标并不是做一个世界第一的国际象棋 AI,所以也没有在这个方向投入)
Apple Passwords’ Generated Strong Password Format
And we weren’t going to make any changes to our password format unless we can guarantee that it was as strong or stronger than our old format. So if you want to talk in terms of Shannon entropy once again, these new passwords have 71 bits of entropy, up from the 69 from the previous format. And a little tidbit for folks who are trying to match our math — [note that] we actually have a dictionary of offensive terms on device that we filter these generated passwords against and we’ll skip over passwords that we generate that contain those offensive substrings.
苹果的 keychain 自动生成的密码确实看起来就是用心设计过的,这个文章是设计师写的,这种密码不仅比较容易输入,而且安全性是经过计算的(如上面引文所说),不过我没太搞明白 71 bits 的熵是如何算出来的,我试了一些工具,给出的结果各不相同,不过结果都是这个强度的密码够用。
对这个话题有兴趣的朋友,强烈推荐观看这个原作者讲演的视频,介绍了很多 iCloud Keychain 产品设计的逻辑,这个事情并不是 Only Apple Can Do,但是 Only Apple Did It Right。
近几年星巴克模式在大陆可以说是全面溃败,需要咖啡的消费者有瑞幸、库迪、幸运咖,当咖啡的价值被打到 9.9 之后,剩余支付的全都是空间和品牌溢价,能接受的消费者就更少了。如果买星巴克的人大多是为了在店里堂食,这个模式肯定就不太转了。
Wireless Charging: Trading Efficiency for Convenience
While not performed under strict laboratory conditions, the data we’ve gathered still provides us with a very good idea of what works and what doesn’t. Wired charging is the most efficient way to charge anything and that is an indisputable fact. We can also show that though wireless charging is inefficient, there are grades of inefficiency among wireless chargers too. Qi2 and MagSafe chargers clearly offer the best efficiency while the first generation Qi chargers and poorly designed products can consume more than twice as much power as a wired charging setup.
今天新闻看到特斯拉官方号和马斯克本人在推特上宣称 Cybercab 能做到 90% 以上充电效率。我就去找了一下现在手机有线充电和无线充电的效率差距,乐观的结果是无线充电比有线充电会浪费 30% 的电,这是在使用 Magsafe 完美对齐的条件下。这篇论文中,2013 年以来有各种机构宣称实现了 90% 以上的电动汽车无线充电效率,但是基本上都是 DC-DC,而且全都是实验室结果,特斯拉这个最后实装能实现有线充电 70% 的效率,就谢天谢地了。
Why GitHub Actually Won
I can boil it down to exactly two reasons that happened to resonate with each other at the perfect frequency.GitHub started at the right timeGitHub had good taste
Github 创始人之一总结成功的原因。我的收获是:在合适的时机进入合适的市场之后,才能通过竞争取胜。如果时机或者市场不合适,是不会成功的。
Amazon’s shopping app is trying a different look

Again, these recommendations were previously available and worked similarly in various forms before, but I personally think the current experience feels too random and scattered to be useful.
之前 Amazon app 首页有一个非常好的设计范式,只有垂直滚动,没有水平滚动。所以在浏览的时候只需要单向划动和阅读,效率很高。不过确实这样看起来给运营提供的位置没有那么多。我个人并不喜欢过于花哨的「店面」设计。目前国内大多数电商的店面设计已经和日本那种超高密度的设计非常接近了,浏览起来压力很大。