Weekly Readings 20240426
给 ET7 来点城区领航的入门考试
前几天晚上下班路上辅助驾驶表现不错,弄了个小视频,北五环 - 北湖渠路 - 辛店路 - 望京,NOP 全域领航辅助零接管。年初的时候城区辅助还是 2018 年高速辅助驾驶的水平,现在已经有体感的提升了,真不错。
Beware of The Fake Podcast Invite Scam
Oh the Humanity
关于 Humane AI Pin 最好的评论文章,推荐阅读。
AI Pin 的失败更多来自团队的自大和盲目。
世嘉公司已紧急叫停所有“KIMIT Ragdoll” 系列机器人的销售,并建议消费者立即关机停止使用,避免因摩擦产生的烧焦气味进一步恶化。官方声明强调目前尚未发生火灾或人身伤害事故,算是万幸。
A New Era for Mixed Reality
Meta 发了个新闻稿,要和微软合作搞生产力和游戏了,比较有意思的是新闻稿中的示意图,除了原来主打的互动游戏外,还增加了戴着 Quest 用电脑办公,和那手柄玩 XBOX 游戏的场景,类似的场景是 Apple Vision Pro 主推的场景。

Senate passes TikTok ban bill, sending it to President Biden’s desk
封杀 TikTok 的法案已经飞速走完了几乎全部流程,只剩下拜登签署了,拜登之前表示过,只要送到他这里,他就会签。接下来字节跳动有一年时间来决定是卖掉还是退出美国市场。从简单资本回报的角度看,卖掉美国业务是最简单的选择,几个竞争对手都有动力买。
- 东大的高层如何看待字节
- 其他国家的立法机构可能会效仿,软柿子谁都想捏一下
从初期的博弈来看,之前字节一直坚称只会退出,不会卖是正确的,但是周受资也提到过「6个月太短了」结果人家给你延长到一年了。。。真是多说废话。整个过程看下来,周受资个人收益巨大,无论是全球顶流的曝光,还是各种言论圈粉。但是从他的动作看,我猜 TikTok 美国管理层有动力把公司卖掉。
TSMC’s work culture is notoriously rigorous, even by Taiwanese standards. Former executives have hailed the Confucian culture, which promotes diligence and respect for authority, as well as Taiwan’s strict work ethic as key to the company’s success. Chang, speaking last yearabout Taiwan’s competitiveness compared to the U.S., said that “if [a machine] breaks down at one in the morning, in the U.S. it will be fixed in the next morning. But in Taiwan, it will be fixed at 2 a.m.” And, he added, the wife of a Taiwanese engineer would “go back to sleep without saying another word.”
Even the use of wife rather than spouse speaks to the culture clash.
“The business community really has to raise its voice and echo it’s not social policy, it’s economic policy,” said Raimondo, who is overseeing a Commerce Department budget that has ballooned from a historical average of $10 billion to $150 billion. “If you want a strong economy, women have to participate and in order for that to happen, we need strong child care,” she said. “Companies need to have more women in top jobs and the only way to get there is to help them get there, and child care is a key piece of the puzzle.”
Raimondo noted that half of Americans live in a “child care desert,” with not enough services available at a cost that is affordable.
“I’m trying to raise my voice that this is a commercial issue, not just a women’s issue or social issue,” said Raimondo, who will host a Commerce Department child care summit in June.
Gina Raimondo 在最近的 60 Minutes 采访中被问到托儿的问题,她之前推动的 CHIP 法案里面有一项要求是接受资助的公司需要提供托儿服务,她认为托儿服务是让女性参与到工作中的核心,说的很对。但是她也说「公司需要更多从事顶级职位的女性,而唯一实现的办法是帮助这些女性,托儿服务是解决问题的关键」。关键词是顶级职位,这些顶级职位的女性有资源解决育儿问题,最需要帮助的女性其实不是她们,说到最后仍然是阶级问题。
Tesla driver arrested for homicide after running over motorcyclist on Autopilot
However, the only reason it is safer than the US average is that it is supervised by drivers who ideally pay extra attention when using FSD.
Without this attention, I can almost guarantee that it would get into way more accidents. At least for now.
Now, there’s no doubt that the driver is responsible here as he abused the ADAS, but there’s also the question: is Tesla doing enough to prevent abuse of Autopilot and Full Self-Driving?
最近很多特斯拉的狂热支持者在到处布道 FSD v12 有多么牛逼。4 月 19 号一辆 2022 款 Model S 在辅助驾驶状态追尾撞死了一个骑摩托车的年轻人。现在还不知道这辆车是什么版本的辅助驾驶,但是我理解至少是 FSD 而不是 AutoPilot(如果快速路 AP 出这种问题,那就更糟了,如果不是快速路,一般人也不会用 AP),无论 v11 还是 v12,特斯拉狂热粉丝这种教别人误以为辅助驾驶可以全自动的行为,是很糟糕的,会要人命的。