Weekly Reading 20240823
Aria 清空 GitHub 代码库
该作者表示:“因 Aria 被诈骗分子使用,导致我被跨省,因此本项目源码永久删除。最后说一句,诈骗分子死全家,奉劝给诈骗分子写代码的逼人,别他妈用开源代码,害了广大开源作者。”
掌机支撑架 黑人问号.jpg

Doomscrolling isn’t going away any time soon, but there’s no reason you can’t be comfortable while doing it. Mechanism’s $59 Gaming Pillow is designed to shift the weight of gadgets like handheld consoles, tablets, XL smartphones, and e-readers from your arms to your lap.
OpenAI 称封杀了干涉美国大选的伊朗账号
OpenAI has banned a string of ChatGPT accounts tied to an Iranian influence campaign that generated and shared content related to the US presidential election, among other topics. The operation mainly used ChatGPT to create longform articles and social media comments for platforms like Instagram and X, according to OpenAI.
对伊朗来说,谁上不一样呢。不过这不是关键,请注意:你和 chatgpt 聊天的全部内容都在 OpenAI 的监控之下。
Toasts are Bad UX
The core problem is that toasts always show up far away from the user's attention.
Toast 是一种用起来简单无脑,但是效果非常糟糕的提示方式,文中的几个例子至少不会造成投诉,更糟糕的是 app 在后台可以发 toast,特别酸爽,微信有一段时间经常后台推送一个网络连接错误,用户看到只会一脸懵逼根本么亿欧上下文。之前我推动 MIUI 禁用掉 app 后台发 toast,还有一些同事不理解,不知道现在如何了。
没有太大意外的结果,商务部已经在 WTO 上诉了,不过更有力的回应可能要看进口车数据里面谁怕疼。
iOS18 Photos: Tab Bar to Single Scroll View
It's certainly a big change and given the effectiveness of tab bars, its also a change that has people questioning why? I have no inside information on Apple's decision-making process here but based on what I've learned about how people use Google Photos, Yahoo! Photos, and Flickr, I can speculate.By far the dominant use of a Photo gallery is scrolling to find an image whether to share, view, or just browse.Very few people organize their photo libraries and those that do, do it rarely.People continue to have poor experiences with searching images, despite lots of improvements, so they default to browsing when trying to find photos.Most automatic curation features like those found in For You just get ignored.
All that together can easily get you to the design answer of "the app should just be a scrolling list of all your Photos". Of course there's trade-offs. The top-level sections, and their features are much less visible, and thereby less obvious. The people who do make use of features like Albums and Memories now need to scroll to them vs. tapping once. But as iOS18 rolls out to everyone in the Fall, we'll see if these trade-offs were worth it.
iOS 18 照片应用的新框架可以说深得我心,2014 年我做过两个类似的方案,效果其实挺好的,单页面滚动对浏览场景来说是非常好的,当时我的灵感来源应该是 App Store 和 Amazon。
64% 的美国苹果用户买了 iCloud 空间

调查方式是问卷,Apple Music 和 Apple TV+ 的渗透率也比我预期的高。