Weekly Readings 20241108
从总体上来看(图 2),5个城市的PM2.5浓度变化同相对湿度有紧密的联系。石家庄、西安、北京和太原4个城市的冬季PM2.5浓度同相对湿度呈相似的变化趋势,广州冬季PM2.5浓度同相对湿度呈相反的变化趋势。在无降雨时PM2.5浓度同相对湿度有很相似的变化趋势,当有降雨时PM2.5浓度同相对湿度有相反的变化趋势。
A new home for Pixelmator
Today we have some important news to share: the Pixelmator Team plans to join Apple.
Pixelmator 我买了多年了,但是确实用得不多(主要因为后来 Darkroom 更符合我的日常需求),做专业的照片编辑工具不容易,替他们高兴!
Steve Jobs Was a Low-Tech Parent
I never asked Mr. Jobs what his children did instead of using the gadgets he built, so I reached out to Walter Isaacson, the author of “Steve Jobs,” who spent a lot of time at their home.
“Every evening Steve made a point of having dinner at the big long table in their kitchen, discussing books and history and a variety of things,” he said. “No one ever pulled out an iPad or computer. The kids did not seem addicted at all to devices.”
我是通过 WaitUntil8th 顺藤摸瓜读到这篇文章的,如今受过教育的家长基本都能认识到过多的屏幕时间对儿童的伤害,但是硅谷大佬和高管们的管教显然比严格更严格,就国内的实际情况来说,只要孩子没有屏幕成瘾,我觉得都算是成功。
任天堂 Switch 2 游戏机模型机曝光

相应对比图直观展示了“Switch 2”配备的 8 英寸屏幕及磁性 Joy-Cons 控制器,整体尺寸要比现款 Switch OLED 大了不少。
Switch 2 这个尺寸还挺大的,我之前吐槽过现在 PC 掌机越来越大,看来这个趋势进一步蔓延了,现在 Switch 2 核心参数已经基本都泄露了,看重量如何了。
苹果 visionOS 2.2 开发者预览版 Beta 发布,Mac 虚拟显示器支持超宽显示模式
此次更新主要是为 Mac 虚拟显示器(Mac Virtual Display)添加了宽和超宽模式,允许用户将 Vision Pro 用作 Mac 的外部显示器。
目前,Mac 虚拟显示器提供有三种尺寸可供选择:普通、宽和超宽。苹果表示,超宽模式的 Mac 虚拟显示器等同于在桌面上并排放置了两个 4K 显示器。

这次是真的 Only Apple Can do 了哈哈哈哈,已经有几年没有像这段时间这样热切的期盼新的 beta 版系统了。使用体验十分震撼,It is so BIG(昆汀口音)。
我现在每天使用 Vision Pro 4-6 个小时,代替显示器办公,这个超宽屏体验多少可以算是回不去了的。而且和很多人以为的不一样,带着 AVP 办公颈椎并没有不舒服,与同样时间低头看手机,或者探头看显示器相比,还更舒服一些。
Hacking 700 Million Electronic Arts Accounts
It's also disappointing that EA has yet to start a bug bounty program. Without any real incentive to report vulnerabilities, I know people who have instead chosen to keep them to themselves. I would love to see EA follow the rest of the industry's lead here.
这个黑客发现了 EA 一个重大漏洞,无偿贡献了。我贴上来主要是因为这样的感想:啥?EA 有7 亿账号????
Rise of the Expert Beginner
As such, it’s the last phase in which the acquirer might confuse himself with an Expert. A Competent has too much of a handle on the big picture to confuse himself with an Expert: he knows what he doesn’t know. This isn’t true during the Advanced Beginner phase, since Advanced Beginners are on the “unskilled” end of the Dunning Kruger Effect and tend to epitomize the notion that, “if I don’t understand it, it must be easy.”
As such, Advanced Beginners can break one of two ways: they can move to Competent and start to grasp the big picture and their place in it, or they can ‘graduate’ to Expert Beginner by assuming that they’ve graduated to Expert.
这个 Expert Beginner 的概念很有意思,大体上是说如果一个人通过某些方法快速掌握了一个技能,但是缺少充分的练习和认知提升,始终卡在一个初级的程度无法深入,但是当事人自己意识不到。我们几乎每个人都在某些领域处于这个状态,生活中无所谓,但是工作中就比较可怕。作为一个做产品的人,我看到过很多「人人都是」类型的产品经理,和一个专业产品经理之间的鸿沟他们是不自知的。
For the first time ever, AMD outsells Intel in the datacenter space
While both Intel and AMD now earn around $3-3.5 billion per quarter selling datacenter CPUs, Nvidia earns much more from its datacenter GPUs and networking chips, which are required to make AI processors work in concert in datacenters. In fact, sales of Nvidia's networking products totaled $3.668 billion in the company's second quarter of fiscal 2025. Meanwhile, compute GPU sales reached $22.604 billion in Q2 FY2025, which far surpasses the combined sales of Intel and AMD datacenter hardware. Altogether, Nvidia sold nearly $42 billion worth of AI and HPC GPUs in the first half of this year, and it is likely that the company will sell even more datacenter processors in the second half.
数据中心业务(AKA服务器CPU)可以说是 Intel 被认为不可撼动的业务,如今也被 AMD 超越了,确实让人感慨巨人的陨落。
外界对阿富汗的所有误解, 都源于不懂“普什图”的特殊策略
这篇文章发表于 2021 年 8 月 24 日,也就是塔利班宣布成立“阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国”之后一周。深入浅出介绍了普什图,推荐感兴趣的朋友全文阅读。