Weekly Readings 20241101
2048 turned 10 this year, I built an updated version to celebrate
I still play Threes regularly. It’s super accessible but still remains challenging after years of play. I even occasionally still set a new high score.
Threes! 创造了一种全新的游戏类型,易于上手但很有挑战。而 2048 是一个非常粗糙的抄袭作品,2048 之于 Threes! 差不多相当于短视频之于电影。十年前 Google Play 竟然给这个抄袭作品搬了个奖,当时我的干后就是,这个运营团队品味真的太差了。关于 2048 抄袭这个事儿,当初有很多报道,比如这一篇。
时至今日我仍然和引文中的这个老哥一样,经常打开 Threes! 玩一会儿。
Vision Pro Bites Dog
Vision Pro costs around $4,000 per unit, all told, which is far more expensive than iPhones, iPads, and even any consumer-grade Mac. The vast majority of Apple’s entire customer base has never spent more than $2,000 on any electronic device, I bet. It’s a brand-new computing platform without much software. It’s a brand-new entertainment device without much exclusive content for the device. It’s big and heavy for a headset and requires a tethered connection to a battery pack, and even with the battery as an external puck, lasts only a little over 2 hours unplugged from a power source.
虽然文章主要关注的是新闻学(不是😂,但是感兴趣的朋友确实可以读一读原文),但是这段引文很明确的指出了 Vision Pro 的所有主要缺点。这其中,我预测电池包的设计很可能在未来几代产品都会继承,设备本体重量会大幅减轻,价格也会降到 2500 美元最终 1500 美元这个水平。
Aluminium foil supplanted tin foil in the mid 20th century. In the United Kingdom and United States it is often informally called "tin foil", just as steel cans are often still called "tin cans". Metallised films are sometimes mistaken for aluminium foil, but are actually polymer films coated with a thin layer of aluminium.
Steve’s Badge
Steve Jobs was notorious for not following rules. He drove his car without plates. He parked in the handicap spot at Infinite Loop. Many people assumed he didn’t use a badge.
But he did. I can personally attest that he carried a badge. While almost every employee had it pinned or on a lanyard, Steve kept his in his wallet. When badging in, he took out his wallet and held it to the reader.
After seeing him do it repeatedly, I started doing the same. Only one security person ever took issue with it.
Embrace, extend, and extinguish
The strategy and phrase "embrace and extend" were first described outside Microsoft in a 1996 article in The New York Times titled "Tomorrow, the World Wide Web! Microsoft, the PC King, Wants to Reign Over the Internet", in which writer John Markoff said, "Rather than merely embrace and extend the Internet, the company's critics now fear, Microsoft intends to engulf it." The phrase "embrace and extend" also appears in a facetious motivational song by an anonymous Microsoft employee, and in an interview of Steve Ballmer by The New York Times.
今天看新闻时评论区激烈互动讨论 EEE,我才知道这个表述。说法是上世纪末微软面对反垄断审判时,证人在法庭上提到的,这里有美国司法部的文档。让我想起了多年以前做 web 前端被 IE 浏览器各种恶心的不愉快经历。
Mac mini 2024

简单一图流,这周苹果开始更新 Mac 产品线了,包括 iMac、Mac mini 还有 MacBook,都更新了 M4 处理器。从配置上看,入门版本的 Mac mini 极其良心。目前还有没有明确的评测,但是 Geekbench 上有一些之前泄漏的跑分结果,看起来比 iPad Pro 上那颗性能稍强,CPU 部分超过 M3 Pro 和 M2 Max,GPU 不太行,日常应用绰绰有余,如果有本地大模型需求还是得多花钱。M4 Pro 的多核性能和 GPU 比 M4 估计都会提升 50% 左右,但是价格。。。看图吧 😂。我自己的 M1 Mac mini 已经用了四年了,完全够用,但是确实也有买个 Mac Studio 的计划,看看明年上半年的情况(AKA 性能实测和股市走向)再决定。
这个 Mac mini 150W 的功率,体积非常小,而且内置电源模块,只能说苹果牛逼。期待 ifixit 的拆解。
执行神舟十九号载人飞行任务的航天员乘组由“70 后”蔡旭哲、“90 后”宋令东、王浩泽组成。执行神舟十八号载人飞行任务的航天员乘组,由同为“80 后”的叶光富、李聪、李广苏组成。(...) 北京时间 10 月 30 日 4 时 27 分,搭载神舟十九号载人飞船的长征二号 F 遥十九运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心点火发射。4 时 45 分左右,神舟十九号载人飞船与火箭成功分离,进入预定轨道,航天员乘组状态良好,发射取得圆满成功。

引自 S1,标题:震惊,刘慈欣预言的这一幕竟成真了

Disney Plus has grown big enough to need a top 10 list
As Disney Plus has grown, finding things to watch has become increasingly challenging. So the streaming service is rolling out a top 10 list featured on the home screen in hopes of improving discoverability.
最近我为了体验独一无二的家用 4K 3D HDR HFR 电影,开了 Disney+ 会员,然后比较惊讶的是内容库其实挺单薄的。国内爱优腾或者 B 站都有庞大的历史正版内容库,虽然不是独家,但是你要是想翻完那几乎是不可能的。Disney+ 的内容就只有自己那点东西,我本来以为只有 Apple TV+ 才是这样的。海外观众要是想看丰富的内容可能只有 Netflix 算是还行,然后各家的都得分别订阅了。